12,000+ online views
100+ group inspections
Over 300 people attended the auction
46 Registered Bidders
22 Bids
Reserve $500,000
SOLD - $680,000
Awesome opportunity to turn some hard work into some real $$$. Set on a level fully fenced 696sqm block is this 3 bedroom hardy plank home with big covered deck. At the rear of the block is a huge garage that\u8217?s been converted to a 1 bed studio complete with hardwood flooring, bathroom, walk-in robe, big living space & still room for 2 cars.
# The property is a deceased estate & the person passed away in the home of natural causes.
# The property is sold with all items currently on site other then the car. Yes, nothing will be cleared.
# No approval is believed to be in place for the garage conversion \u8211? so it is not a granny flat.
# Owner will not sell prior to Auction Day
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